Wednesday, August 16, 2006
  Words of Wisdom
My friend P is from california, of asian descent and is a male dancer.

This mixture of cultures would seem to make him extremely tolerant at sight
(sorry, poo you are my test case)

But - what seems to me as beautiful. poetic language - still strikes him as "this scary arab lady".

I would like to introduce you to to the most immediate poetic reference I have in mind:

One can not speak war and listen to Fairuz, and here you'll see why:

Fairuz is worshiped by millions worldwide. She is revered, almost as holy, in so many circles and is routinely received by kings, presidents, and illustrious dignitaries. Unlike any other artist, Fairuz holds the key to almost every city where she has performed, given to her as a symbolic gesture of appreciation and recognition. Though she never sang in the holy city, the key to Jerusalem presented to her during a private visit with her father is among her most prized possessions.

In recognizing Fairuz, which means “gem”, American poet Andrew Oerke says this of heaven’s gift to humanity:

“The land of the prophets formed a river in
your throat. You cannot help it, you were
found in a church. Fairuz, you are a cloud,
I know for I have floated in your song.
I could see the rain, at first I thought it was
tears, but it was thirst creating its own answer
in a mist of hope for the land you sing.
Your secret is that the moon constantly
melts and reconstitutes in your voice.
Your secret is the Source that populates
you with the spirit of the people.
Your curtains dance with the wind through
the flutes whose drapes are woven from
grass and under the trudge of Jesus’ feet,
and you sleep well on angels’ hair.”

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This blog is part of the AmendIcons project, taking place at the Makor gallery/ 92 Street Y New York in July-August 2006.

* {Icons designed to improve, to remove faults and errors, to alter, to enrich, to change for better}

The content in this blog is solely posted and maintained by the blog's moderator, Shiri Sandler, and is a reflection of thought.

De-Aesthetisizing a war


{Hear evil, See evil, Deflect evil}

July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 /

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