Reportedly, voices of hesitaion and in-experience in the government had prevented, quite delibaratly from Israel winning this war. Victory not having a clear definition of us against them, but there could have been less of a waist of human life and less procrastination.
Current post-war events have surfaced at least two petitions.
The first, reported today in Maariv on-line is presented by reserved military forces
towards the Prime Minister
The second, by civilians - calling for the PM's resignation.
This blog is part of the AmendIcons project, taking place at the Makor gallery/ 92 Street Y New York in July-August 2006.
* {Icons designed to improve, to remove faults and errors, to alter, to enrich, to change for better}
The content in this blog is solely posted and maintained by the blog's moderator, Shiri Sandler, and is a reflection of thought.
De-Aesthetisizing a war
{Hear evil, See evil, Deflect evil}