Wednesday, August 16, 2006
  My Friend, Poo
p Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 3:11 PM
To: shiri

is everything okay with you and your family?

it's not really something to joke about... sorry.


can i ask you what you make of this?

----- Original Message -----
From: shiri
To: p
[Quoted text hidden]

shiri Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 4:38 PM
To: p

thk u, poo

this video came to me a few back,
i think its real powerful and would like to hug her.
i wish everyone saw this.

that not all arab are muslim
that not all muslim are hateful
that there are educated and tolerant people in the arab world
and this was on al-jaseera, of all places

my family is well,
i. however, am not the same.

big kiss, did not mean to pick fights.


[Quoted text hidden]
p Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 5:02 PM
To: shiri


interesting viewpoint on your take which is nice, but this video coming from israeli's also sends out another message to some no?

that the lady is pretty blunt and is basically spurting out that islam is evil, no? one might interpret this as

"we have to blow up the middle east because arabs are crazy, and here's an arab lady who says so"



----- Original Message -----

From: shiri
To: p
[Quoted text hidden]

shiri Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 5:27 PM
To: p


oops caps

first of all, there are 2 kinds of muslims, the suni and the shiyte

one stream is tollerant while the other is fanatic.

therefore, not all muslim/ arabs are evil to begin with.
or evil= hateful.

it takes a bigger charge when she rephers to jews as scientists and by that makes it a war of knowledge with backwardness.

mixing religion with politics is a sad affair, and she points to that.

viewing from my israeli eyes, i can say that i'm glad she reveals an on-going debate (within the enemy)
which shows a dis-unified arabic voice.

she is breaking the "black mass" image we see on the news.

she is a pillar of light in a sea of black.

this is why she's successful.

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This blog is part of the AmendIcons project, taking place at the Makor gallery/ 92 Street Y New York in July-August 2006.

* {Icons designed to improve, to remove faults and errors, to alter, to enrich, to change for better}

The content in this blog is solely posted and maintained by the blog's moderator, Shiri Sandler, and is a reflection of thought.

De-Aesthetisizing a war


{Hear evil, See evil, Deflect evil}

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